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Welcome to Kids Ministry!

In the Children’s Ministry, we help kids grow and develop into spiritual teens, young adults, and eventually spiritual men and women of God who will make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of Christ. Jesus Comes Ministries believes that through our children’s ministries, we can lay a firm spiritual foundation that will anchor our kids for the rest of their lives. 

As well as fun and engaging curriculum for kids, we’ve got family resources to fit the needs of today’s families. Through worship and study, children are encouraged to open their hearts to God.

We’re here to help you with the most important task any parent can have – helping your kid develop a relationship with God!

We all have a place in heaven for our children, and we love them too.

While it’s always a pleasure to make sure each child is welcomed well by us, for some kids, it’s a burden. We want to support and provide support for kids with special needs and neuro-diverse characteristics through our Breakthrough ministry. Parent and staff work together to make sure a child is placed in a program that’s right for them. 

The little ones in our church make us believe that our church is richer and that we’re working with God to fulfill his dreams and purposes. 

Meeting Times

Please visit our Events section to find out more about the next outreach program.


Please visit our Events section to find out more about the next outreach program.


Please visit our Events section to find out more about the next outreach program.

Every month, we have worship services on our campus in India. Our campus address is:

Jesus Comes
48-B, South. By-pass Road
Tirunelveli – 627005


Upcoming Events

Want to Get involved?

Join Our Volunteers Team

If you would like to become a volunteer at our ministry, please complete and submit the volunteer application. You can download both .pdf applications below.

pray, grow and share with us

Our first understanding is that church isn’t a building, a class, or a service. Scripture says a church gathering is a group of people coming together in Christ, and the people are the church. As Jesus shows us in Matthew 18, a gathering can be as small as two people.

There are usually hymns, scripture verses, and maybe a psalm in the service. The sermon will usually be about the scripture lections assigned for that day if the church follows a lectionary. Holy Communion is usually served every Sunday or several times a month in Eucharistic churches.

There are no rules as to what to bring to church, other than yourself, an open heart and mind. Some bring a bible, if you’re going to engage in bible study.

If you want to know how to dress for our meetings, something modest and comfortable should be fine. We don’t judge you based on what you wear.

Ask your friends if they worship the Savior and invite them to join you. Ask them if they’d like to know more about Jesus Christ and invite them to a Christian worship service. Respect their beliefs the same way you respect yours.

Please meet one of our ministers after the meeting. We are glad to answer any questions you may have.

Please visit our ministers after the meeting if you need to pray personally.

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